LaunchPad Microsoft Integration

Work where you’re comfortable, directly within Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel

Features LaunchPad Integration
Compliance Driven icon

Seamless Formatting

No more reformatting at the last minute! By working directly within Microsoft, you can confirm your document’s formatting as you go.

Change Owner icon


Identify and autofill a high percentage of questions at the click of a button, directly into your Word or Excel Document, saving your team hours of searching, copying, and pasting.

Review icon

Library Search

Search your content library, using advanced filtering and sorting, without having to leave your Word or Excel document.

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More RocketDocs Features

LaunchPad Icon

LaunchPad™ Microsoft Integration

LaunchPad™ lets you work where you’re comfortable, directly within Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. Get answers from your library faster, and ensure that responses are formatted correctly while you’re working.

Automate Responses Icon


No more starting from scratch! RocketDocs will identify and autofill a high percent of questions at the click of a button.

Database Icon


The content library is your repository for accurate, up-to-date information. With RocketDocs’ intuitive library structure, you can easily find, organize, and update your content.

Document Check Icon


Set up custom attributes, workflows, expiration dates, and easily assign content to SMEs to ensure that your library is always up-to-date and accurate.

Users Icon


Build a repeatable process with custom due dates, assignments, and workflows for each RFP that your team receives.

Salesforce app exchange logo


Seamlessly integrate RocketDocs with Salesforce to sync data and manage projects.

Ready to Get Started?

RocketDocs delivers the features your team needs to respond to RFPs efficiently and close deals faster. Chat with one of our experts to see what's best for your team, or to learn more about our flexible pricing. (Plus, you get a demo!)

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